Triad card game

The shapes on the cards have various features: number, color, shape and shading. Each feature has three possibilities, e.g. the color can be red, green or blue.

The goal is to find a triad, i.e. three cards which, when considering any of the features, are either all the same, or all different. For example, the following three cards form a triad: "three green solid squares", "two green open circles" and "one green semi-solid triangle", because one feature (the color) is the same, while the other features (the number, the shape and the shading) are different for all three.

If you select three cards which form a triad, you earn 3 points, and new cards appear in their places (until the deck is over). If they don't form a triad, you lose 1 point. If you can't find a triad, click on the Not found button. Then, if there really isn't any triad on the board, more cards appear. Otherwise, you lose 1 point, and the game selects a card for you which can form a triad with other cards on the board. The game ends when all cards are used up (the cards don't repeat, see "Cards left" on the top). At the end, if the remaining cards don't contain a triad, then click on Not found to finish the game, and if it's true, you get as many points as the number of cards left (so the best score is always the total number of cards in the deck).

In the Settings window, you can make the game easier or harder by changing the number of features from 4 to lower or higher.

Note: this game was inspired by the card game SET!.